Times are changing, and so is the way we can get our hands on things, including a copy of your prescription! Remember the days when you’d have to trek all the way to your opticians and wait what felt like a lifetime just to get a copy of your prescription?!
Category Archives: Optical Centre
How Much Are Prescription Glasses?
Prescription glasses can be really expensive when you get them from an optician. If you want to find a cheaper solution, look no further.
How To Get Used to Glasses
When you start wearing your glasses for the first time, it surely gives you a much clearer vision but it can create a sort of discomfort for you as you are not used to having eyeglass frames resting on your face.
What are Computer Glasses
While we used to need eyeglasses for newspapers, manuals, mail, and other forms of print, we now access these resources straight from the internet. As our digital age develops, our glasses should too. That’s why computer glasses are more important than ever before.
5 Tips for Buying the Right Eyeglasses for Your Child
To help you on your quest of finding the right kids’ prescription glasses, here are a few easy tips and things to think about when finding the perfect pair.
The Basics of Eye Anatomy
Knowing the eye anatomy is an important way to learn how our eyes work and can help us take care of them. Keep reading to learn about the parts of the eyes.
How to Read Your Eye Prescription
Understand your eye prescription to know the severity of your visual impairment and shop online for prescription glasses.
When were sunglasses invented?
If you’re wondering when sunglasses were invented, we have the answer for you.
Eye Exercises to Improve Vision
One effective way to decrease your chance of vision impairment with age is to exercise your eye muscles. Weak eye muscles could lead to poor vision later in life and that’s why incorporating eye exercises could be an easy way for you to keep your eye muscles strong and healthy.
What Is Macular Degeneration?
Macular degeneration or age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common condition which usually happens to people in their 50’s and 60’s. Age-related macular degeneration